The Government Finally Followed Our Lead!

We’re happy to report that, for the first time, the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) brought menstrual pads to campus! The NRHM is an Indian governmental agency under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It distributed sanitary pads to our adolescent girls free of cost, as well as iron and folic acid supplements to those who requested them. This supplement helps with anemia, a common condition of lacking red blood cells in women and girls who have heavy periods.

Over five years ago, two Siddhartha School alums initiated some of the region’s first school presentations on the basics of menstruation for girl students. Their organization was called New Ladakhi Girls, and the information sessions they pioneered filled a serious gap in the regional schools’ health curriculum. In fact, girls regularly feared they were dying or suffering from a serious health condition when their menstruation started because nobody had spoken to them about it. So we were thrilled to hear the government agency has finally decided to send health workers with free menstrual pads to campuses.

As we lead up to #GivingTuesday, one of Siddhartha’s largest funding drives of the year, we’ve included a Throwback Thursday #GT video featuring the story of New Ladakhi Girls. Currently, the two alums are completing graduate degrees in the US.
Watch This Incredible Film about Two Siddhartha School
Alums Who Broke the Taboo of Discussing Menstrual Health Facts in School