Read our Annual Report for the 2020/2021 Siddhartha School Session
Download the PDF HERE.

Dear Siddhartha School Community Members,
As we approach #GivingTuesday, on November 30, we look back at the 2020/2021 School Session. Our students, teachers and parents have met the challenges of the COVID-19 school shutdown with resilience and strength. Working alongside each other, we have been able to continue to deliver life-changing education while preserving and encouraging the Buddhist heritage of our school community.
Join us this weekend as we celebrate this community with a series of 3 videos that highlight the work your contributions support and the abiding altruism that inspires your gifts. We’ll kick off this #GivingTuesday on Saturday, so be sure to check your email!
As always, we are so grateful to everyone who provides for the Siddhartha School. Your generosity underwrites our work.
- If you would like to make a donation, you can do so online HERE.
- You can make a contribution without a fee by using a bank transfer; learn how to do that HERE.
- And finally, to learn about the many other ways to support our work, visit our website HERE.
Thank you for being a member of our community!
With gratitude,