To all 43+ people who responded with birthday wishes for Siddhartha School founder Khensur Rinpoche Lobzang Tsetan on his 86th, we send a resounding thank-you! He received your well-wishes, pictures, and heartfelt messages and is very moved.
To all 43+ people who responded with birthday wishes for Siddhartha School founder Khensur Rinpoche Lobzang Tsetan on his 86th, we send a resounding thank-you! He received your well-wishes, pictures, and heartfelt messages and is very moved.
At the school, there was a large celebration and ceremony to honor him. It was an especially joyous occasion because school was back in session only a few days. Staff and students were reunited and could catch up on all they had been doing over winter break.
Members of the Ladakhi board, US advisory council, alumni, staff, and the student body gathered to celebrate with cake, dancing, songs, speeches, and a small lunch (images below). The celebration was held in the multipurpose hall.

The Siddhartha School Partnership would like to take a moment to reflect on how one man’s idea has led to a magnificent chain reaction that has touched the lives of so many. For over 25 years, the school Rinpoche started has lifted students and families to a brighter future, giving them literacy, critical-thinking skills, and a lot of heart. The Partnership, US board, Ladakhi board, and community of volunteers, supporters, teachers, and students send their very warmest HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Rinpoche. What a good use of 86 years!
See the Group Birthday Card
The photos below are from the supporters’ group birthday card.