See the essay winners of the Bodhi writing competition.

A Favorite Contest, the Results Are In!
Recently, Siddhartha students in grades 6-10 participated in a Bodhi essay-writing contest, but what’s Bodhi, you may ask? It’s one of the four languages that students at the Siddhartha School learn: Hindi, English, Tibetan, and Ladakhi. Though a member of the Tibetic language family, Ladakhi is not mutually intelligible with standard Tibetan, and the Ladakhi language is also called Bhoti or Bodhi. So as a learning tool, Siddhartha’s annual essay-writing competition really challenges the students to fully use this native tongue.

The topic for the 6th and 7th graders was “The Importance of the Usage of Native Language Ladakhi,” and the topic for the 8th, 9th, and 10th graders was “Your Experience of Virtual/Distance Classes and Learnings.” The Siddhartha School’s literary committee judged the essays.
The winners are pictured below (from left to right, top to bottom):
6th grade: Stanzin Gyatso (sponsored by Brian Lawrence)
7th grade: Padma Yangdol (sponsored by Stefan Gasper)
8th grade: Idzes Lhamo
9th grade: Dawa Landol (sponsored by Doreen and Fredrick Thompson)
10th grade: Edzes Dolker (sponsored by Ann and Norman Scully)
Contests, assignments, and activities that use Bodhi script fulfill our mission to preserve Ladakhi culture and connect our students to their heritage in a meaningful way.

Thank you to all of our donors and student sponsors. Your contributions fuel this important work!