Here’s how you met SSP’s scholarship funding goal!
Posted By: Media Coordinator
We had more than 83 donors in the US, Canada, and Europe give to this year’s SSP #GivingTuesday Matching Gift Campaign online. What’s more, over 80 supporters in Ladakh came out to the school’s campus festival to raise money for the campaign for scholarships.
To our more than 163 global supporters for #GivingTuesday and SSP’s very generous benefactors who offered matching funds, we say: THANK YOU ONE AND ALL!Together, you’ve ensured that Siddhartha School remains affordable to all children and free to the most vulnerable.
No problem, we’ve set a stretch goal to deliver new books, supplies, and uniforms to students for the new year. Our board of directors covers our overhead expenses, so every dollar you give will go straight to the school.
True to the helpful and gracious spirit of Ladakh, the community, including teachers, staff, students, and local merchants, worked together to raise more local funds than ever before! Special events included games, food sales, donation canvasing, and a raffle. For perspective, the average middle-class salary is about $315 a month.
The Local Donation Results
$1,408 generated in raffle sales
$765 collected in donations
$432 gifted to support the dorm studentsSiddhartha School raised US$2,605
—$5,210 with the match!
The children sold crafts and offered meals, and there were performances and singing. The community was given a platform to express thankfulness SSP’s supporters for the assistance they offer to needy families whose children would otherwise not have a chance to go to school. (You can see more photos of the day on our blog.)