watch Siddhartha School graduate and current North Yarmouth Academy senior Stanzin Angmo deliver a touching speech. Huge appreciation to NYA professor Christophe Mazurcco for a great job filming the speech, as well as Baron Pulitzer and Laura Lewis, who prepared the video for social sharing.
Dear Friends,
I want to share this remarkable video of Siddhartha School graduate Stanzin Angmo. The video is a recording of her senior year speech, given at North Yarmouth Academy on January 22.
Angmo gives us a wonderful glimpse into the extraordinary journey of a Siddhartha School graduate graced with the rare opportunity to study abroad in the U.S. We are extremely proud of Angmo for blazing a trail and working so hard and most grateful to her many sponsors and supporters, who have helped her get as far as she has.
Siddhartha School Project is grateful to North Yarmouth Academy for providing Stanzin Angmo with a life changing opportunity to study at the school. Angmo received her acceptance letter earlier this week from Bennington College and has been awarded a full scholarship.
Have a great weekend.
With warmest appreciation.
Laura Kozaitis
Executive Director
Siddhartha School Project