100% of the Graduating Class
Passed the Government Test!
We Applaud:
Tsering Angmo, Padma Lhazes, Tsering Dolker, Thinles Spalzang, Stanzin Lamo, Stanzin Spalzes, Tsering Yangskit, Rigzen Angmo, Thinlay Namgial, Tsering Wangial, Lobzang Tashi, Sonam Chorol, Rigzen Angmo, Tonskit Dolma, Jigmet Stobdan, Rigzen Namgial, Sonam Diskit, Stanzin Chuskit, Rigzen Dolma, Jigmet Chuskit, Jigmet Chostar, Ishey Khando, Sonam Chuskit, Stanzin Namgyal, Thinles Wangdus, Lobzang Chospel, Stanzin Spalbar, Stanzin Ladol, Rigzen Namgial, Thupstan Tsewang, Stanzin Otzer, Sonam Chuskit, Urgain Temet
“I congratulate every teacher and student for this 100% pass rate! It is truly remarkable and shows your dedication to betterment. Keep up the great work on your further studies and come back to visit us!”
—Dechen Wangmo
Principal, Siddhartha School
I am especially proud of this year’s graduates given that they completed their test preparations in the midst of the pandemic and then bravely attended the in-person government exam to qualify for graduation. What dedication and strength. I am so very proud of all 33 students!
I send wishes for your success as you head out our gates, and hope that the passion, zeal, and creative thinking our school teaches is carried into all you do. To educate a child to only produce a correct answer, without the development of critical thinking or creativity, is teaching children to use only a small amount of their potential. I want to thank our sponsors and donors, for we could not offer this sort of duality and quality in our programs without you!
With gratitude I serve,
Principal Dechen Wangmo
We just received word from the Indian government that all schools are opening in Ladakh for 6th-9th graders! We’re so excited to have more students coming back for in-person learning; hooray!