It’s International Thank-You Day!
Watch the thank-you video the teachers made for all who gave to the Fund for Teachers.
We hope you enjoy it!
What better way to teach than by example. You, our donors and supportive community, set an excellent example for our students. In the classroom, we teach the value of generosity, but in the real world, you exemplify it best! Your gifts and sponsorship often provide uniforms, lunches, school materials, and sometimes even beds to our neediest of students. Not to mention you are responsible for giving fair-wage salaries to our teachers.
On this global day of thanks, please know we’re so grateful to you. We’re thrilled that you allow us to enrich the life and future of every child who steps through our schoolyard gates.
Heading into our 26th year, we want you to know that your sustaining support has positively affected regional poverty, illiteracy rates, and the social challenges that surround these issues. We extend a huge thanks to you, and so do these bright faces at the school. We cannot express in words how grateful we are to you: our sponsors, donors, supporters, volunteers, and community. With joy and love, we send a warm hug of gratitude.
With abundant gratitude,
Siddhartha School Partnership-USA and Siddhartha School-Ladakh