“Just as we take for granted the need to acquire proficiency in the basic academic subjects, I am hopeful that a time will come when we can take it for granted that children will learn, as part of their school curriculum, the indispensability of inner values such as love, compassion, justice, and forgiveness.”
—His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
For our community members who recognize Yom Kippur, we hope your holy day was filled with meaning, rest, and reflection.

Yesterday, We Honored All Teachers Everywhere,
and We Send Educators Our Deepest Thanks!
From the start, our school and teachers emphasize ethics right alongside scholastics. Our social and emotional learning (SEL) program and daily student body meditation are examples of our commitment to the His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s call for educating the heart and mind.
We know that a teacher’s reach is exponential, their effect touches well beyond their students when these children set out into the world. Teachers are like a flower that releases seeds in the wind, blowing future blooms far and wide all over the earth.

No matter where you are in the world today, remember that teachers matter! Find a scholarship, make a donation, or post something to support teachers! Say thank you and tell them their impact matters. The Siddhartha School sends wishes for ease, health, and joy to all the teachers in the world. Teaching is truly an act of generosity.